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 日本国際教養学会 (The Japan Association of International Liberal Arts: 以下、JAILA) は、2011年9月に設立され、「国際」、「教養」そして「学際」をキーワードとした研究活動を行ってまいりました。会員の専門分野は、哲学、歴史、社会科学、自然科学、芸術、教育、外国語、環境など多岐にわたります。JAILAの学術的な成果は社会的に認められ、現在、本学会は日本学術会議協力学術研究団体に指定されております。


he Japan Association of International Liberal Arts (JAILA) was established in September 2011 to conduct research activities based on keywords ‘internationality’, ‘liberal arts’, and ‘interdisciplinarity’. Its academic achievements have been recognized by society, and currently, it is designated as an academic research organization cooperating with the Science Council of Japan. JAILA is composed of members who belong to a variety of specialized fields such as philosophy, history, social science, natural science, art, education, foreign languages, and environment.

While carrying forward the foundational principles of “internationality,” “liberal arts,” and “interdisciplinarity” inherited from former presidents, I would like to position JAILA as a “commons of knowledge.” In other words, our goal is to create a shared space where scholars across various disciplines can contribute their expertise and exchange ideas. According to Charles H. Haskins’ The Rise of Universities, the earliest universities were self-governing communities dedicated to intellectual inquiry, free from the control of authority or power. Academic societies function in the same way—they are autonomous spaces where members pursue intellectual exploration freely and share their findings as a common good.

Furthermore, we must not overlook the vital role of academic societies as platforms for fostering the next generation of scholars. JAILA is committed to creating an environment where young researchers can freely express their ideas, participate in scholarly discourse, and grow together. We will continue our efforts to make JAILA a true “commons of knowledge” that nurtures future scholars and facilitates meaningful intellectual exchange.

日本国際教養学会会長 深谷 素子